domingo, 29 de julio de 2007
Kai Blin y su experiencia con el SoC
Back then, I applied for the Wine project because I had an offer to do an
undergraduate thesis on any work I did during the Summer of Code for Wine.
This probably helped me to actually apply, as the whole thing looked pretty
intimidating. I also applied in the last minute, with only a couple of hours
to go to the submission deadline when I finally finished my application.
Without the focus of writing a thesis, most likely I would have given up
browsing through all the project proposals.
Still, I managed to be accepted into my project and started writing some code
for it. Before I applied, I thought I actually knew how to write C code. For
Summer of Code, I learned programming all over again. My mentor was really
nice and helpful, guiding me through the process of actually creating code
and submitting the patches for Wine. Thanks, Juan, without you I'd still be
stuck to writing "Hello, World" programs.
All in all, Google Summer of Code 2005 was such a nice experience that I
decided to apply again in 2006. This time, I knew what I wanted to work on
and submitted my proposal to the mailing list for feedback before actually
sending in the application. This was really helpful in judging how much
interest there actually was in the feature I proposed. If you decide to come
up with project ideas on your own, it's always good to check with the
mentoring organization if your feature actually makes sense or not.
This year, I decided to actually work for a different mentoring organization
to learn about new things and to meet new people. Again, I sent my own
project idea to the Samba project, and I got some really good feedback. Apart
from other things, I was told that I would bite off more than I could
probably chew during the three months of Summer of Code. When applying, it's
always a good idea to check that it's actually possible to finish what you
Next year, I won't be participating as a student anymore. I finally feel
comfortable enough with all the things I have learned that I want to be a
mentor instead. Participating in the Google Summer of Code allowed me to
become a member of the Open Source society, and I'm looking forward to giving
more students a chance to experience this as well. Thanks to the work I did
on Summer of Code, I now have a job working on Samba and Wine, I get to visit
a lot of conferences and I actually think that I managed to make people's
lives easier. Thanks to Google for giving me the opportunity for all of this.
Kai Blin
Victoria de Google
¡Enhorabuena, chicos!
sábado, 28 de julio de 2007
My Summer of Code Part 2 - Mylyn at CampusParty
I was delighted that although this was the fourth presentation about Summer of Code that most chairs were taken when I started my presentation. About five people raised there hands when I asked who had used Eclipse before and except for Kai, who is also a Summer of Coder, no one had heard of Mylyn giving me a chance to impress the audience with its features. Mylyn is a task-focused UI that reduces information overload by making tasks a first class part of Eclipse. Mylyn monitors the work activity to identify information relevant to the task-at-hand and uses this task context to focus the Eclipse UI on the interesting information.
Prior to my Summer of Code project Mylyn supported Bugzilla and JIRA repositories. The most requested feature enhancement was a connector for Trac, a web-based issue tracking system with an integrated wiki, which I implemented as my Summer of Code project. I proposed the project because I personally wanted to have Trac tasks integrated with Eclipse but it was great to work on a feature that had a large interest in the community as well. It gave me early feedback and made the experience all the more rewarding. By the end of the summer I had become addicted to the project and I am now a Mylyn committer maintaining the Trac component which has become part of the standard distribution. I also help out mentoring one of the three Summer of Code students that we have for the project this year which is as much fun as being a student!
Laurens who developed SITEman for Joomla as his Summer of Code project in 2006 approached me after my talk to discuss Mylyn integration with J!Code which is an Eclipse-based IDE for Joomla. It is awesome to meet other Summer of Coders at an event like CampusParty to exchange ideas and to socialize.
Google's Summer of Code provides a fantastic framework for doing open-source development. Each student has a mentor who provides guidance which makes it much easier to get started even with little previous experience. I have met many great people through the program and have had many opportunities like visiting a Google office or going to conferences. I hope that the Summer of Code presentations at CampusParty have encouraged more students from Spain to apply for next year's program!
¡Ya tenemos todas las entradas para los concursos!
Desmond nos cuenta más sobre el SoC
I decided to apply for a project on the Google Summer of Code in 2006 because I wanted to gain some real software development experience. I felt that my assignments at University didn't provide me with enough depth to prepare me for working after University and the Summer of Code Program was the perfect opportunity to take.
In 2006 I worked with Google Engineer Mike Pinkerton on improvements to the tabbed browsing interface in the Camino web browser. I had no experience writing software for the Macintosh but because I spent the time to want to work on a project that the community wanted my application was accepted. I worked on a scrollable tab bar as a solution to dealing with overflowing tabs. My development is now part of the Camino code and should be available publicly when Camino 1.6 is available.
In 2007 I applied to work with the OpenMRS Collaborative. I am working on a drug order entry interface for a medical records system that is use in the developing world where HIV and Drug Resistant TB are of great concern. I have been working on this project for about 8 weeks now and every day we uncover new issues that need to be dealt with and the challenges keep piling up. I love that the work I am doing will eventually help to save thousands of lives by minimizing the number of errors in the drug ordering process.
I think that any capable student software developer should seriously consider applying for the Google Summer of Code 2008. I have gained self-confidence, a stronger development ability, and I can communicate more effectively as a result of my projects. I don't know why somebody wouldn't consider applying for a similar experience to what I have had.
Esperamos que todos sigáis su consejo y que su presentación os haya servido de inspiración para participar y solicitar vuestra plaza. ¡No dudéis en pedirnos más información!
viernes, 27 de julio de 2007
¡Concursos concursos!
jueves, 26 de julio de 2007
¿Te interesa una beca con Google?
¿Te apetece disfrutar de una beca con Google? Te damos la oportunidad de poder trabajar desde casa durante el verano en un proyecto de software libre y recibir un sueldo de $4.500.
El programa se llama "Google Summer of Code", está abierto a todos los estudiantes de cualquier nivel que quieran entrar en el sector de la tecnología brindándoles la capacidad de poder de trabajar en productos tales como Mozilla.
Si no os habéis podido enterar bien sobre el programa no os preocupéis, podéis encontrar más información en el siguiente enlace, y leer el artículo de Laurens sobre su experiencia vivida en el "Summer of Code".
¡Animáos, queda tiempo suficiente para que os apuntéis! Nosotros estaremos encantados de poder conoceros hoy a las 20.00 horas, cuando Kai, estudiante alemán, venga a hablar sobre el programa y sus méritos alcanzados.
Por último, recordaos que, como siempre, si tenéis cualquier pregunta podéis publicar aquí vuestros comentarios o pasaros por la zona GoogleHack en la Campus Party.
¡Hasta luego!
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007
¿Cuál es tu Gadget favorito?
Si no tenéis cuenta en Google, pinchad en este enlace para registaros a iGoogle. Una vez hayáis conseguido el acceso, pinchad en "añadir cosas" para conseguir entrada al directorio de Gadgets. Podéis añadir cuántos Gadgets quieras, y así personalizar tu página de inicio según tus gustos.
Y ¿Qué os parecen los Gadgets que ya existen? ¿Hay algunos que particularmente os gustan u os disgustan? A mí, por ejemplo, me encanta Ojos, aunque solo sea por la diversión. También me resultan muy útiles los gadgets específicos sobre España, como por ejemplo éste que ofrece feeds RSS de las noticias del periódico ABC. ¿Qué opinión os merece? ¡Comentarios, bloggers, comentarios!
My Summer of Code Part 1 - Joomla! at the Campus Party
The Google Summer of Code is a program initiated by Google in 2005 to encourage students to work for open source projects. In return they get a mentor who guides you through the summer, some funding and many opportunities. Since the beginning of the GSoC, over a thousand of students have participated in the GSoC. Together, they have literally created millions lines of code.
In 2006, I participated in the GSoC as a student. My mentoring organization was Joomla!, an open source content management system. The project I worked on is called SITEman, an application framework written in Java that allows end-users to administer their website from a desktop environment. This has certain advantages, such as offline editing.
This year I'm mentoring a collaboration project between Eclipse and Joomla!. The goal of this project is to create an Eclipse distribution that eases the development of Joomla! extensions. An extension can be a weblog, an e-commerce system, ... The only limitation to develop your own extensions, is your own imagination!
I'd highly recommend participating in the GSoC. You don't need to be a developer to be part of an open source project. Every project has many roles in their community, such as content writers, translators, ... If you think you can contribute in any way, just apply for the GSoC. Sign up for the GSoC mailing list, start posting on forums. Start communicating with the community and get integrated in the project. After all, isn't this what open source is all about?
Laurens Vandeput
To see the slides from Laurens´presentation, click on the following link: Slides
To find out more about Google´s Summer of Code programme, come to the GoogleHack area at Campus Party at 2000 tonight, where another Coder will speak about his experience!
Acceso al taller API Google Mapas en la red
Google Maps API Workshop
¡Pasad luego si queréis a nuestra zona de GoogleHack donde os resolveremos las dudas; hoy contamos con la presencia del creador del taller!
El programa de hoy es el siguiente:
1700-1730: ¿Qué son los Mapplets?
1745-1815: ¿Cómo crear Mapplets?
1830-1900: Consejos para mejorar tus Mapplets
1930-1945: Desafío Google: Crea el mejor Mapplet
2000-2030: Momento Summer of Code
¡Aunque no os hayáis apuntado en la red para estas presentaciones, merece la pena venir de todas formas porque a lo mejor hay espacio! Esta tarde lanzamos el segundo concurso de la Campus Party, después de haber lanzado el de los gadgets ayer (preguntad por más información.) Hoy contaremos con la presencia de otro orador que os hablará de su experiencia en el programa Summer of Code. ¡No te lo pierdas!
martes, 24 de julio de 2007
La cobertura informativa en la Campus Party
Ya comienzan a publicarse las primeras noticias en la red sobre el papel de Google en la Campus Party 2007. Las diferentes plataformas de comunicación se han hecho eco de las nuevas iniciativas que presenta Google para todos los usuarios y que intentan hacer más fácil la vida de los "internautas". La conferencia de prensa, llevada de la mano de Bernardo Hernández (Director de Marketing España), ha contado con la presencia de Javier Ferrero, un usuario que se aventuró a crear un "Mapplet" (aplicación que se puede insertar en el sitio de Google Maps) de las gasolineras que a él le interesaban en Madrid, incluyendo los precios de los carburantes.
Ejemplos prácticos y de fácil composición para mostrar a todos que el objetivo es hacer más sencillo el acceso a la información.
Anais PérezDesmond´s Blog
I have been at Campus Party in Valencia, Spain this week to talk to Spanish students about the Google Summer of Code.
I must confess that I have not made as much progress this week as I would have liked to. Darius and I agreed an ambitious schedule like we always do and I am working really hard to meet my goals for this week.
I have nearly finished the 3rd draft of the drug order entry tool. Darius and I have agreed on a set of features that will make the interface feature complete for the first iteration that will be part of OpenMRS. One of the great things - really - is that this project grows in complexity every week and we we need to choose carefully what I will implement for this project. Only the essentials are being worked on with all of the corner case prescriptions being dealt with in the future.
Campus Party
I delivered a presentation last night about my experiences on the Google Summer of Code Program. I think about 20 people attended and only a few of them had prior experience with developing open source software so everybody there would have learned a lot from what I had to say.
I spoke about my work with the Mozilla Foundation and OpenMRS. It was awesome to be able to tell people about my project this year and people seemed impressed that you could work on such philanthropic projects.
We went swimming in the Mediterranean Sea last night at 2am. I am having a truly fantastic time and would love to come back next year to talk about Summer of Code when I will hopefully be a Mentor!
¡Buenas tardes!
Sesiones de esta tarde
Algunos de vosotros habéis venido al Google Hack para preguntar si nos quedan plazas para las sesiones de esta tarde. Aunque las 50 plazas ya han sido reservadas, podéis venir de todas formas porque puede que tengamos más espacio de lo previsto (¡sobre todo si no os importa sentaros en el suelo!) ¡Estáis todos más que bienvenidos!
Video Games Live!
Video Games Live!
¿Como os pareció el concierto? ¿Muy original, no?
Si tenéis algún vídeo, ¿por qué no publicarlo aquí?
¡Buenos días!
¿Bueno, Bloggers, que tal la primera noche? ¡Espero que las tiendas de Google hayan sido cómodas! Hoy empieza la diversión de verdad - tenemos previsto todo un plan de actividades para vosotros. Pasad por la zona Google Hacks cuando queráis, estaremos encantados de conoceros a todos. Tenemos también a vuestra dispoción unos ordenadores para que participéis en nuestros talleres, y además de un programa de sesiones y presentaciones. El programa de hoy es el siguiente:
1630-1700: Bienvenida "Google y los Campuseros"
1700-1730: ¿Qué son los Gadgets?
1745-1815: ¿Cómo crear Gadgets?
1830-1900: Consejos técnicos para mejorar tus Gadgets
1930-1945: Desafío Google: Crea el Gadget mas alocado
2000-2030: Momento Summer of Code
Entonces a las 1930 lanzamos el primer concurso de Google en la CP, cuyo premio sera un Ninentdo Wii. A las 2000, Laurens, que participó en el Summer of Code el año pasado, os hablará de sus experiencias.
¡Esperamos veros a todos durante el día!
lunes, 23 de julio de 2007
Summer of Code: ¡una oportunidad que no te puedes perder!
¿Quieres un gran desafío para conseguir una beca con Google? Summer of Code ofrece a todo estudiante de cualquier nivel y nacionalidad la oportunidad de demostrar sus habilidades tecnológicas y de abrirse una puerta al mundo laboral. Visita los enlaces siguientes para más información:
Mantente al corriente de las últimas novedades sobre el Summer of Code suscribiéndote a la lista de distribución de anuncios:
Y, finalmente, puedes ver algunos PodCasts para conocer toda la actualidad del Summer of Code:
¡Haz comentarios aquí si te surge cualquier pregunta, y no dudes en venir a la zona GoogleHack de la Campus para hablar con nosotros! Estaremos encantados de conocerte.
Google España Marketing Team
viernes, 20 de julio de 2007
Gadgets Podcast
¡Bueno, Bloggers, la Campus Party casi ha llegado! Ya sabéis que habrá la semana que viene un concurso para crear el mejor Gadget. Os doy aquí un enlace para un PodCast de una entrevista con Adam Sah, un “Googler” de nuestra oficina en California encargado de los Gadgets. Al escuchar podéis aprender más sobre lo que son los Gadgets, cómo diseñarlos, cómo compartirlos, y mucho más:
martes, 17 de julio de 2007
¡Bienvenidos al Blog!
¡Bienvenidos todos a nuestro Blog para la Campus Party de 2007 en Valencia! ¡Google está encantado de participar por primera vez en este gran acontecimiento y esperamos con impaciencia la oportunidad de conoceros a todos! Tenemos ya planificado todo un plan de presentaciones, actividades y concursos para enseñaros a aprovechar mejor nuestros productos. Podréis disfrutar de 8 zonas diferentes, y además una dedicada únicamente a "Google Hack." ¡A partir del martes, tendréis la oportunidad de participar en varios talleres de MisMapas, y cada tarde habrá presentaciones sobre nuestros productos y consejos para que saquéis el máximo partido de ellos!
El martes y el miércoles lanzamos 2 “Desafíos Google” – "Crear el Gadget más alocado" y "Crear el mejor maplett." El sábado por la tarde anunciaremos los ganadores de éstos, que recibirán cada uno un Nintendo Wii. Las sesiones os ayudarán con estos concursos, pero mientras tanto ¿por qué no utilizar este blog para intercambiar ideas? También por si surge alguna pregunta sobre el concurso, los gadgets, o lo que sea, preguntarlo aquí y os daremos una respuesta en cuanto antes.